Blog 1

Different persons seek for happiness in different ways and by different means ,and so make for themselves different modes of life …
50-40-10 formula of happiness denotes that 40% of our happiness depends on the intentional activities that we undertake to be happy ..
Does that mean that there is one strategy that suits all. The answer is No!
Writing a gratitude journal regularly might be the activity that suits some ,but surely not all!
It’s clear that alongwith Biogenic and Sociogeniic activities ,Idiogenic activities ,or ,idiosyncracy plays a role in making us who we are .
And ,therefore we have different activities that would work and contribute differently in the journey of being happy .
A recent research shows that person-activity fit is extremely important in pursuit of happiness.
Once you know which “Activity’ fits “You” the most half the battle is won ….
The way to greater Happiness is in your hands…